Parent Council

A  Parent Council is a group of parent representatives who meet once a term to discuss school-related issues. Regular, open communication and consultation with parents is really important to the school. The Parent Council provides a valuable way to listen to your ideas and concerns and seek your views, helping to make sure the needs of children and their families are met.

We are keen to listen to your views at Ash Cartwright and Kelsey and we are keen to have a Parent Council. Meetings are to be led by Mrs Crascall, Headteacher and a governor will also be in attendance. Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion.

Examples of issues that can been discussed include:

- School development planning

- Cost of school trips and events

- Parents evenings

- Views on school policies when they are updated e.g. Behaviour Policy

- Reporting to parents

- Assessment

Parents will be encouraged to share information from the Parent Council with parents of other children in their child’s class. Feedback is also included in school newsletters which are distributed to all parents and published on the school website. 

Parent Council Ground Rules:

Members of the council must agree to the following ground rules:

* We will not discuss individual children or staff during a meeting - it is not the place to air personal grievances

* We will focus on moving the school forward

* We will as member respect each others' opinion - agree to disagree

* One person will speak at a time

* Mobile phones will be switched off during meetings

* We will endeavour to stick to the expected timeframe for meetings

Meeting minutes and documents:

Kent test talk for parents May 2018

GDPR privacy notice for parents May 2018

Restorative Justice presentation February 2019

Parent Questionnaire Results June 2019


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