cooltext magpies

Teacher: Miss Swain
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Newing

This page is dedicated to all the exciting things we will be doing in class this year.

Dear Magpies,

Term 1

Dear Parents/Carers


Our topic this term is ‘What if dinosaurs had never become extinct?’ - I think the children will be very excited about it! In our literacy lessons we’ll be writing dinosaur poetry, creating dinosaur fact files and writing an imaginative story! We will learn about early fossil discoveries from Mary Anning, create our own dinosaur bones and build dinosaur habitats.


In Maths this term we will be learning about place value and addition and subtraction.


Our focus for this term will be ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We will be identifying microhabitats around school and even making our own.


 P.E. will be taught on Tuesday and Wednesday. School uniform should be worn into school and children will get changed before their P.E lesson. Please bring P.E kit (plimsolls/trainers, shorts/tracksuits, T-shirt and jumper) to stay at school.


Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and a spelling test will be completed the following Friday.


Each morning, I will ask your child if they need to change their reading books.

Every day the children will have opportunities to read during our afternoon ‘DEAR time’ (drop everything and read time).

Some children will be starting our ‘Accelerated Reading’ program where they will complete quizzes that test their comprehension of the books they have read. Others will continue using our Little Wandle books.

We will try our best to make sure we hear your children read at least once a week.

Please do read with your child at home as often as possible, it makes such a difference and really boosts their love of books! I would also encourage you to ask your children questions about the book they have read to boost their understanding of the text. It is better that a child takes slightly longer to read a text and fully grasps its contents, than speeding through a text without having understood it.

Please do let me know if you have any queries

Miss Swain

Documents and Links

Below you will find links to  websites and documents which will be useful for home learning.

The link below will take you to Yumu Charanga Music World which we use in school. You can access this by using the generic log in below that has been created for the class to use:
Your username is: magpieyr2
Your password is: tangerine


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