Our school SENCo is Mrs Julie Wilkinson. She can be contacted on 01304 812539. Our governor with responsibility for SEN is Mr Paul Devitt.

Admission Arrangements
The Admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes pupils with SEND; HNF or Education, Health and Care Plans, and those without.

Our approach to teaching pupils with SEND
At Ash Cartwright and Kelsey we ensure that all pupils are valued equally and have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities.

  • We have effective management systems in place for SEND pupils, in line with the Code of Practice 2014
  • We have good communication between parents, teachers, teaching assistants, outside agencies and pupils with SEND.
  • We acknowledge and value parent and carers knowledge and expertise in relation to their own children.
  • We have an effective review cycle that allows us to monitor progress and plan for next steps of development-ASSESS, PLAN, DO, REVIEW.
  • We ensure that consideration of SEND crosses all curriculum areas and all aspects of teaching and learning.

How do we identify pupils who may have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities?

The Code of Practice 2014 defines SEND:
A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty if she or he:

a) Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or
b) Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided.

The 4 Key areas of SEN identified in the 2014 Code of Practice

1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Social, Mental and emotional health
4. Sensory and /or Physical

At Ash Cartwright and Kelsey we aim to identify any Special Educational Needs as early as possible. We gain information to do this in a number of ways.

  • Parents provide information to the school
  • Outside agencies may contact the school
  • Class teacher may identify a concern over progress or behaviours
  • Headteacher may identify concern over patterns in progress and attainment
    Information may be provided at transition from other schools /agencies on admission.

Who are the best people in school to talk to about my child’s difficulties with learning or SEND?

The Class Teacher
The class teacher is responsible for:

  • Progress of all children in their class and delivering any additional help your child may need.
  • Directing the work of the Teaching Assistant and providing resources and interventions.
  • Informing the SENCo and seeking advice.
  • Liaising with outside agencies.
  • Writing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and their review.

The SENCo is responsible for:

  • Developing and reviewing the SEN policy.
  • Coordinating all the support for pupils with SEND
  • Ensuring parents are kept informed about all aspects of their child’s progress and development
  • Organising and monitoring the provision from outside agencies who support children with SEND
  • Updating and maintaining the Schools SEND register and record keeping
  • Providing support and advice for staff to enable them to better support pupils with SEND

The Headteacher
The Headteacher is responsible for:

  • Day to day management of all aspects of the school
  • Working closely with the SENCo and class teachers
  • Ensuring the Governing Board is kept up to date about issues relating to SEND

Governor with responsibility for SEND

  • Making sure that the school meets its duty to support children identified with SEND

What are the different types of support available for Children with SEND at Ash?

Quality first teaching. All teachers have high expectations of all pupils and plan children’s learning based on a range of assessments. Different strategies and teaching styles are used and activities are differentiated to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Children may be included in specific intervention groups or booster groups to target an area of learning. Interventions and boosters may be led by a teacher or a qualified Teaching Assistant.
Specialist Support from outside agencies
If your child is identified as need a more specialist support e.g. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), a specialist teacher may work directly with your child or provide information for the school to implement to enable your child to progress. You will be asked for permission to make the referral and kept informed of targets and support offered.

How can I let the school know I am concerned about my child’s progress in school?

  • If you are concerned about your child’s progress you should speak to the class teacher initially
  • If you continue to be concerned you should speak to the SENCo or Headteacher

How will the school let me know they have concerns about my child’s learning in school?

  • The class teacher will approach you to discuss these concerns.
  • A meeting will be arranged to discuss the support we plan for child and gain permission for any outside referrals.

How is extra support allocated to children and how do they progress in their learning?

  • School receives money in its budget from the Local authority to support pupils with SEND, different children require different levels of support.
  • The SENCo and Headteacher discuss and plan how resources for pupils with SEND are allocated, with governor approval.
  • Some pupils will have individual support; some will have support as part of a group; some will be offered interventions or boosters.
  • Some pupils will have additional funding as part of their EHC plan or HNF and this will be used to provide resources and support to meet the objectives on their individual plan.

Who are other people providing services to children with SEND at Ash?

  • Teachers, who provide differentiated lessons to meet the needs of all children
  • Teaching Assistants who work with groups or individuals under the direction of the teacher
  • Teaching Assistants who provide Positive Play support for Emotional and Social development

Outside agencies who provide specialist support and advice. Agencies Ash refer to are:

  • SALT-Speech and Language Therapy
  • LIFT
  • Behaviour Support Service
  • Education Psychology
  • Sensory Service
  • SSSEN (Specialist Service for SEN)
  • Multi Agency team
  • Parent partnership
  • School Nurse
  • Other specialist health professionals e.g. physiotherapy

How are teachers in school helped to work with children with SEND and what training do they have?

  • Class teachers are teachers of all children including those with SEND and they are supported by the SENCo in planning for pupils with SEND
  • School provides training for teachers and teaching assistants to improve teaching and learning for all pupils and those with SEND.
  • We have six staff who are trained at Mental Health First Aiders
  • Teachers and support staff access training from outside agencies and specialist providers relevant to specific needs

How will teaching be adapted for my child?

  • Class teachers will plan lessons and activities according to the specific needs of groups and individuals.
  • Teaching Assistants and support staff may adapt the planning to support the needs of groups or individuals (under the direction of the teacher).
  • Specific or adapted resources may be provided to remove barriers to learning and help children progress.

How will we measure the progress of your child in school?

  • The class teacher monitors and measures progress, through on-going daily assessment and formal assessments in Reading, Writing and grammar and Maths.This is tracked using target tracker. 
  • Assessment data is monitored by the Headteacher, governors and the SENCo.
  • School data is monitored by KCC including progress for SEND pupils
  • Progress on IEP targets will be reviewed regularly and provision amended. These are discussed formally with parents at Parent Consultation evenings.
  • Progress of pupils with HNF or EHC plan will be formally reviewed at the Annual review where all adults who work with the child will contribute to review progress and plan for the future.
  • Staff Performance Management/Appraisal procedure ensures children’s progress is monitored. Book scrutinies, data collection and lesson observations are part of this process.

What support do we have for you as a parent of a child with SEND?
All class teachers at Ash care about every child and will be happy to meet with you to discuss concerns or share information.

  • The SENCo or Headteacher is available to meet with you to discuss anything related to your child.
  • All information from outside agencies will be shared with you directly or via a written report.
  • IEP targets will be discussed with you and extra time will be made available at Parents’ Consultations.
  • Adaptations to school routines and rules will be discussed and reasonable adaptations made to support you and your child.

How is Ash accessible to children with SEND?

The school is compliant with DDA requirements

  • There is an accessible toilet
  • We ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is accessible to all pupils, including trips and visits, wherever possible. Risk assessments are undertaken when appropriate. Safety of pupils is paramount and this is our overriding priority. 
  • Extra-curricular activities are accessible for pupils with SEND providing a suitable risk assessment deems it safe to do so 
  • Disability Equality Scheme 2013 and Accessibility Action Plan

How will we support your child when they are joining or leaving Ash?
We recognise that transitions and change can be very difficult for pupils with SEND and want to make these times as manageable as possible.

Joining Ash Cartwright and Kelsey

  • On entry to Nursery we offer home visits, discussions with nursery staff and meetings with other agencies as required.
  • On entry into Reception we offer home visits and liaise closely with our own nursery and other pre-school settings and outside agencies.
  • Booklets are produced to help children and parents/carers get to know staff and adults working in the setting and become familiar with routines.
  • A detailed transition programme is arranged with additional visits if required.
  • A meeting with the school SENCo may be arranged

Moving to another school or setting

  • We will contact school SENCo and provide them with important information about your child’s SEND.
  • We will pass on records about your child as soon as possible.
  • We will inform outside agencies that your child has moved to a different school.

Moving to a new class or teacher at Ash Cartwright and Kelsey

  • Information is passed on to new class teacher during a planning/transition meeting
  • New class teacher will be invited to any reviews during Summer Term prior to transfer
  • Personal passports and transition booklets with photograph and other key information are made for some pupils.

Moving to Secondary Education

  • The SENCo will liaise with the next school to discuss specific needs and transfer key information.
  • A detailed transition plan will be made which may include additional visits and/or meetings.
  • For children with an EHC or HNF the SENCo or representative from the secondary setting will attend the final annual review meeting.

How will we support your child’s social and emotional development?
We believe that children achieve their best when they are happy at school. We offer a range of positive rewards and celebrate achievements to encourage children and aim to foster an atmosphere where everyone feels supported and successful.

  • Class teachers are responsible for pastoral, medical and social needs of pupils in their class.
  • The SENCo will support the class teacher in seeking strategies to support pupils with anxiety, behavioural or medical needs.
  • The Headteacher takes an active role in supporting pupils with Social and Emotional needs
  • Outside agencies may be asked for advice to support individual pupils
  • Trained Teaching Assistants may provide ‘Positive Play’ scheme for identified pupils
  • School has an effective behaviour and anti-bullying policy which is effective in ensuring children are safe at school - this includes a Restorative Justice approach

What is the Local Offer?
The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families. It describes services and provision that are available both to those families that have an Education, Health Care plan and those who do not but still experience some form of SEN. The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors. Find information at or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Complaints Procedure
If a parent or carer has concerns or complaints regarding the care or welfare of their child, an appointment should be made with the SENCo or Headteacher, who will be able to offer advice. A copy of the formal complaints procedure can be found on the school website.

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