Term 3 - Is there anything out there?
Our topic this term is themed around the question ‘Is there anything out there?’ We will be spending time learning what it takes to be an astronaut, studying space, the planets and much more!
English and Maths
Our English lessons will be linked to our topic as usual. We will be creating a letter of application to the European Space Agency, writing a science fiction story and exploring the events in our class book, The Kid Who Came from Space. In Maths, we will begin with multiplication of up to 4 digit numbers by 2 digits using written methods before moving onto division using written methods. We will end the term looking at finding fractions of amounts and identifying percentage, decimal equivalents.
Other Subjects
Science: Earth and Space.
Art/DT: Paper mâché planets, designing a Space Mission Patch, bottle rockets.
PE: Dodgeball, Adapted games and Astronaut training.
RE: People of God
Geography: Earth from Space -the equator from space, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
PE sessions will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays.
PE lessons will be taking place outside as well as in the hall so please ensure your child has the appropriate P.E kit ready for these days. They can take their kits home after P.E on a Friday to wash ready for the following week.
Children will also need to bring a water bottle to school as we will take this outside on the days of our PE lessons
Reading Books, Spelling and Homework
It is very important that your child has the opportunity to read at home every day. If you have any questions or queries about this, we are happy to help. When you have read with your child, just make a little note of it in their reading record book. Your child should bring their book folder into school every day, so we can change their books regularly. Spellings: We send the children home with their weekly spellings on a Friday. They should try their best to practise these at home for our quiz on the following Friday. Spare copies of the sheet can be found on the windowsill under the wooden eagle.
Homework: I have received some amazing homework so far this year and I am excited to see what you produce this term. Please ensure you use the homework books to document you work as much as possible.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or catch me at the door to arrange a meeting.
Mr Brett