
Teacher: Mr Churchill
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wilson 

Here you will find details regarding life in Year 6. There will be information regarding the curriculum and homework requirements, plus photographs of what we have been doing throughout each term.
Keep checking our page to see regular updates.

What are we learning about in Term 2?

Welcome to Term 2

Topic Our topic title is ‘It’s not Terry’s, it’s Mayan!’ and if you haven’t guessed, it’s about the Mayan civilisation. We will be learning about what the Mayans ate, their number system and calendar, what they believed in and about importing and exporting.

Maths Our learning this term in Maths will be mainly on all things fractions. We will be recapping how to order and compare fractions; add and subtract them and learn how to multiply and divide with fractions. There will also be work on ratio and proportion.

English Our English this term will be based entirely on our topic of the Mayan Civilisation and will closely follow the gripping novel ‘Middleworld’ by J&P Voelkel. We will be writing a diary entry as the main character, creating a persuasive leaflet, writing some suspense narratives and finish with a technology-packed book review including a greenscreen.

Religious Education This term we will continue with our ‘Understanding Christianity’ scene where we will be learning about Gospel as part of the Big Story of Christianity with the majority of out learning linking back to the phrase, ‘What would Jesus do?’

Science In Science this term we will be learning all about evolution and inheritance. We will explore how scientists know that living things have changed; learn about variation and how it leads to evolution and find out about how living things adapt to their environment. Computing Computing this term will be about media creation. Over the course of the term, we will learn how to create an effective web page.

PE this year will be Monday afternoon and Friday morning. This term is dodgeball and fitness. Please ensure the correct PE kit is worn including hair tied back and no earrings/jewellery.

Here’s to an excellent term, Mr Churchill and the Year 6 Team.




Termly Homework

Homework will consist of a multiple choice grid with many different types of activities to choose from which are all based around our topic. The children will be responsible for completing a task each week and recording it in the home learning book. Photographs or any documents can be stuck into books and any models etc can be brought into school to be presented to the rest of the class if they wish.

For Maths home learning, the children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars and Prodigy, of which the login information can be found in their reading record. The children also have access to Spelling Shed to help them practise their spellings which are sent home weekly.

Remember to keep up with the reading at home in order to get through as many books as possible on the Accelerated Reader scheme and accrue the number of points needed for the term. 

Home learning may also be supplemented from time to time with other activities to reinforce learning we do in class. 

All homework will be awarded housepoints as well as housepoints given for reading quizzes. These will be added to each child's termly acrual in class to work towards a prize.

Any help and support given with home learning is greatly received. Thank you for your continued support.

Documents and Links

Below you will find links to websites and documents which will be useful for home learning.


Please find links below to our termly class newsletters.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

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