Governing Body
Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school’s governors, and the work that we do.
Our main role is to support and challenge the Headteacher and the staff to help them set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life. The key document used for this is the School Improvement Plan (SIP) which now incorporates the Self Evaluation Form (SEF). The SIP sets out the strategic plan for the school, with targets that everyone works towards and the SEF sets out how well the school is doing and where we aim to make improvements.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, our legal duties are to:
set the aims and objectives for the school
set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
to be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend).
The full Governing Board meets at least once every term (six times a year). In addition to these meetings we have monitoring pairs who visit the school three times a year and focus on one area of the SIP, meeting with the Headteacher and/or member of staff concerned. Reports are written and fed back to all governors at the next full Governing Board meeting. Also classroom visits are carried out by two governors with the relevant topics, which are linked to the SIP, agreed by governors and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) prior to the visit.
We attend training sessions and seminars to help us keep up to date with changes in schools and education and to help us do our job effectively. All governors are committed to providing an excellent environment for all pupils to enjoy during their time at our school.
If you wish to know more about becoming a school governor please contact us care of the school office or email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Parish Church Council Foundation Governor - Term of Office 04.02.22 - 4.02.2026
Areas of responsibility include Leadership and Management and Headteacher Performance Management
Whilst I am no longer a parent of children at the school all my three girls attended this school. I am keen to ensure all pupils get the start in education they deserve and my children have had. I have lived in the village since moving here in 2001 and am an active member of our church family being particularly interested in the church supporting the school and 'values' that it holds and promotes within everyday school life. I am a partner in a small joinery company and enjoy the challenge of triathlon in my leisure time. I am very pleased to serve and be an active part of our school and wider community.
Archdeacon’s Nominee Foundation Governor - Term of Office: Ongoing.
Areas of responsibility Behaviour and Attitudes and SIAMs.
I am a physicist who has worked in the Health Service in Nottingham, as a reader in Physics at the University of Exeter and latterly leading a team in Pfizer; currently I am retired, but still sit on various scientific committees and advisory boards. Through my various responsibilities at St Nicholas’ Church I have close contact with people in Ash, and am keen to serve the local community. Throughout my career I have maintained a close interest in education at schools and universities and seek to continue this as a Governor. My wife, Margaret, and I have 4 children and 12 grandchildren – 9 attend primary schools.
Headteacher – Term of Office: Ongoing.
I am proud to be the Headteacher of Ash Cartwright and Kelsey. Leadership is my passion, I have worked in education for many years; spending 7 years teaching in Early Years as a Leading Early Years teacher before moving to teaching across key stages 1 and 2. I also worked with KCC as a key stage moderator. I am very proud of our recent Ofsted and SIAMS reports and I feel blessed to have such a dedicated and creative teaching team. I get immense joy from working with children and I am a very hands on Headteacher – working closely with staff and governors to ensure the best teaching and learning takes place. We feel that children deserve the very best education and should all have the opportunity to flourish.
I am married with two children and live near Dover with my family and pets. In my spare time I enjoy travelling (Italy is a favourite!), reading and I am a keen history buff.
Parent Governor - Term of Office 16.07.2024 - 15.07.2028
Areas of responsibility include Headteacher Performance Management and Health and Safety
I have lived in Ash since I was born. My family and I run a local farming business just on the outskirts of Ash and we are very much a part of the local community. I have 3 children, one has flown the nest & is at Brighton University and my two youngest both attended the school, my son is now at secondary & my daughter is in Eagles.
Foundation Governor - Terms of office 28.09.2023 - 28.09.2027
Areas of responsibility include Leadership and Management and Quality of Education
At present I take the collective worship on a Thursday morning, where as “Grandma Pat” I am enjoying getting to know the children and the staff. I am very impressed with the Christian standards and understanding shown throughout the school. Through my role with St Nicholas church as a deputy Church Warden and member of the choir and PCC I am committed to working in the village.
My background in is teaching at Chatham House and Sir Roger Manwoods School and the skills I have from working with children, parents and staff, especially as a Boarding Mistress for 10 years, can be used in this Governance role.
I look forward to supporting the school and its community.
Foundation Governor - Terms of office 12.05.2022 - 11.05.2026
Areas of responsibility: Safeguarding and SEN
Parent Governor - Term of Office 18.07.2024 - 18.07.2028
Areas of responsibiity include behaviour and attitudes and SEN
I am a specialist English Tutor: Dyslexia-Autism-SEND-SEMH. I have also had experience living and working in Saudi Arabia, as a principal to a centre for children and young adults with autism.
It is my belief to facilitate young people that can display a fractious disposition, and challenging behaviour, with a non-aversive approach. I fervently believe in offering children and young adults an opportunity to succeed in their education and to have a good quality of life. Patience is a virtue.
For the past two years I have been writing a book on ‘Post 19’ and how it affects the lives of young adults with autism spectrum disorders, and their families; where to find support, places that offer work experience and further education courses.
I also write stories about my pets, mainly for fun, for my grandchildren. My grandaughter attends the school and is currently in Robins class.
Parent Governor - Term of Office 17.10.2023 - 16.10.2027
Areas of responsibility include the Early Years Provision, Training & Personal Development.
Staff Governor - Term of Office 14.01.2021 - 13.01.2025
Monitors attendance
I have worked at the school as a teacher and English leader since September 2019 and feel very honoured to be representing the staff on the governing body. I currently teach in reception and enjoy laying strong foundations for the children's learning.
I hope all my experiences and commitment contribute to ensuring the school becomes the very best it can.
Diocesan Board of Education Foundation Governor - Term of Office 22.11.2022 - 21.11.2026
Areas of responsibility include Finance, Headteacher performance management, Pupil Premium and Data
I am a 41 years old father of two children, both attended the school and are now at secondary school. For the past six years I have run a small business in Sandwich where I have responsibility for managing the finances as well as working in a highly analytical role subject to high levels of regulation and oversight from government agencies worldwide. My experience of analysing large amounts of experimental data and access to analytical tool mean that I’m able to provide insights in to the performance of the school that help drive improvements in the outcomes for all pupils in the school.
I have been lucky enough to be able to apply my work skills for the benefit of the school by being a member of the PTFA for the past three years. I have greatly enjoyed this role and the chance to support the school by raising funds to enrich the education of the children in the school.
Governance professional - Linda Walkerdine - Term of Office: Ongoing