cooltext owls

Teacher: Ms Barrett
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Robinson, Ms Maxted and Miss Dunn

This page is dedicated to all the exciting things we will be doing in class this year.

Term 6 2024


Our topic this term is

What lurks beneath the surface of the sea?

Owls will be diving into deep blue oceans this term. We will be looking at different oceans around the world, types of climates and pollution in our oceans. Make sure you ask your child about their learning.


This term our mathematical focus is Time, Shape and Statistics.


Our Big Idea in Science this term is ‘Plants use their parts to grow and make more plants.’ We are carrying on with our ‘Plants’ topic this term with a focus on sea-plants.


PE will be on a Wednesday morning. Please note, children with earrings need to remove them prior to PE due to health and safety. On Thursday afternoons I will be taking Owls into the nature garden for Forest School – spare clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting mucky are advised. In PE this term, we will be doing athletics in preparation for Sports Day.

Reading and spellings

Please endeavour to read with your child every day. Whether it’s their book from school or a book of your choice from home, either is great.

Each week, your child will have some spellings to practice at home. We will complete a spelling test on Fridays.

Have fun, Owls!

Best wishes

Miss Barrett

Documents and Links

Below you will find links to  websites and documents which will be useful for home learning.

The link below will take you to Yumu Charanga Music World which we use in school. You can access this by using the generic log in below which has been created for the class to use:
Your username is: ashowls
Your password is: chord

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