cooltext owls

Teacher: Mr Sheppard
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Robinson, Ms Maxted and Miss Dunn

This page is dedicated to all the exciting things we will be doing in class this year.

Term 2 2024


Our topic this term is Ancient Greece.

We are going to have an amazing term learning about the Ancient Greeks! We will be learning about pottery designs and making our own Ancient Greek style vases. We will be reading and talking about many of the famous Greek myths which I’m sure your children will love discussing both in and out of school!


This term our focus for maths will be multiplication and division. We will be using different techniques to help with our equations such as arrays, sharing and grouping.


In science this term we are learning about forces and magnets, we will be focussing more on different forces and conducting experiments with gravity.


PE will be on a Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon, so PE kit (Plimsolls/trainers, shorts/tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and jumper) will need to be in school ready to use on these days. Please note, children with earrings need to remove them prior to PE due to health and safety. In PE this term we will be doing dance and dodgeball.

 Forest School

We will try to get out to the forest school a few times this term so if you can leave a pair of suitable wellingtons at school that would be appreciated.

Reading and spellings

Please try to read with your child every day, either their book from school or a book of your choice from home and make sure to record any reading in your child’s reading record.

From Monday the 11th of November your child will be coming home with spelling words to learn each week. We will have a spelling test on Friday’s.

Have fun, Owls!

Best wishes

Mr Sheppard

Documents and Links

Below you will find links to  websites and documents which will be useful for home learning.

The link below will take you to Yumu Charanga Music World which we use in school. You can access this by using the generic log in below which has been created for the class to use:
Your username is: ashowls
Your password is: chord

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