cooltext hawks

Teachers: Mrs Kennett
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes
Teaching Assistant: Ms Duggan

This page is dedicated to all the exciting things we will be doing in class this year.

Welcome to Term 6 and I hope that you all had an enjoyable half term holiday!

Our topic question this term will be ‘Where does a river start?’ The children will be learning about river features and how they are formed, as well as the location of world rivers. We will also be discussing the advantageous and disadvantageous way that rivers are used.

Our class texts will be a selection of non-fiction river texts, which alongside our poem ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom, will support geography learning, shared reading, class discussion, SPaG practice and reading comprehension.

We will also be using the beautiful graphics from the game ‘Myst’, to inspire the children’s imaginations, creative writing and storytelling.

Science learning will be a more in-depth look into the stages and importance of the water cycle and the imperativeness of looking after our rivers to reduce water waste. Hawks will also be taking part in The Great Science Share at Discovery Park, where we will be presenting some of our scientific investigations.

During DT, we will investigate the purpose and location of dams and bridges before the children design their own working models.

Mathematical learning this term will be shape, statistics, position and direction. These maths topics allow us to partake in outdoor learning activities, especially as the warmer weather approaches.

We also have the fantastic sports week and sports day to look forward to this term and Mr Hayes will continue to cover class teaching on Thursdays. PE days will stay the same, being Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on these days.

As always, please come and see me if you have any worries or concerns or if you just want to pop in and say hello!

Kind regards,

Mrs Kennett.

Hawks Teacher.





Dear parents/carers,

Please click on the links below to access the remote learning resources for the appropriate week of the school closure.

If you would like any other resources, you can find suggested generic links under the 'School Closure' section of the school website, located here.

Documents and Links

Below you will find links to  websites and documents which will be useful for home learning.

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