Teachers: Mrs Kennett
PPA Teacher: Mr Hayes
Teaching Assistant: Ms Duggan
This page is dedicated to all the exciting things we will be doing in class this year.
Hello children, parents and carers - Term 1
Welcome to year 4! I hope that you all had a wonderful summer. I am really looking forward to getting to know the new Hawks. It is a privilege to teach your children and I hope that they enjoy this next step in their learning journey.
This term, we will be asking our big question – Can you imagine life without chocolate? I couldn’t personally but it will be interesting to hear the children’s conclusions on this over the coming weeks.
Some of our activities will be writing playscripts and retelling parts of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory through role-play, designing a new product for Willy Wonka to make at his factory and creating jingles to advertise these. We will also learn how chocolate is made and where it comes from, as well as learning what Fair Trade is and why it is so important to the cocoa bean farmers.
‘States of Matter’ science learning will investigate temperature, melting, freezing and the stages of the water cycle.
Maths learning this term will be place value, addition, subtraction and daily times tables practice which will include a variety of both indoor and outdoor learning.
PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday. This term, I will be teaching dance every Tuesday and Mr Hayes will teach PE on Thursdays during my PPA time. As per Mrs Crascall’s previous newsletters, children are to wear the correct school uniform to school every day and PE kits are to remain in school for the children to change into for their PE lessons.
Hawks will have a spellings and times tables test every Friday morning. Weekly spellings and times tables practice sheets will come home every Friday afternoon in the back of your child’s homework book.
Please feel free to contact me with any worries or queries so that I can help both you and your child as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Kind regards,
Mrs Kennett.
Hawks Teacher.
Dear parents/carers,
Please click on the links below to access the remote learning resources for the appropriate week of the school closure.
If you would like any other resources, you can find suggested generic links under the 'School Closure' section of the school website, located here.