Dear parents and carers,
End of term 3
We break up on Friday 14th February and the children will be back in school on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely half term break!
We have a school facebook group which is regularly updated with what is happening in our school.
Starting school
Do you have a child starting school in September 2025? Please ring the school office to arrange an individual tour with the headteacher if you would like to come and see us in action!
We are very proud of our KS2 SATs results for 2018 - we were above both Kent and National figures. 86% of pupils reached expected in reading, 81% expected in writing and 86% expected in maths. What a great achievement for our pupils!
Ash Cartwright & Kelsey Primary School,
School Road,
Ash, Canterbury
Tel: 01304 812539
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you wish to contact us, Mrs Bailey or Ms Blake in the office will be happy to help you.
If you wish for a paper copy of the website, please contact the school office.
Ash Cartwright and Kelsey Primary School works closely with the local church in the village. Please click on the link below to find out more about our church.